We have been busy as ever around the Dunn Hive. Noah is out of school for the summer. He ended the year on a super high note! He scored 100% on both the Reading and math portions of the TAKS. He had the highest number fo AR points in his class, and managed to pull off all A's in both grades and conduct. He also managed to have perfect attendance for the whole year. We are very proud of him!! Here are some pictures from the last day:
I am taking a summer class during the first summer session. It is a micro-computer applications class. It is going to be fast and furious!! If you are so inclined, you might pray that I make it through without losing my mind and maybe even pull out a decent grade!! :0)
We are heading to OK next weekend for a Reynolds family reunion. The kids are looking forward to getting to camp out at the farm and play with some extended family. It is going to be a lot fun. Hopefully I will return with some fun pics.
Well dinner is about ready adn we still have gracoery shopping to do. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!
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