We suffered some sad losses. Frankie Jo, the sweet chocolate lab we were blessed with was hit by a car after she got out of the yard. We were sad and still miss her. She was a sweet and good dog.
On March 15th, Ellen, Roscoe's mom, went home to be with the Lord. She was a tough little woman and she ran a good race and fought a hard fight. We miss her greatly, but are comforted by the knowledge that she is out of pain and is in the presence of her Lord and Savior. We would ask that you continue to remember our family as we are still working to get her estate settled.
As most of you know, I have returned to work full time. I enjoy my job, and it has been good for all of us. We are still adjusting to the "new normal. The kids are doing well. I think that we are leaqrning to appreciate the time we have together a bit more now days. Soon, our routine will take another direction as the kids get out of school for the summer and I start taking some classes. I am tqaking a mcro-computer class during the first summer session. I am a bit nervous after being out of school for so long. i just pray my mind is still capable of absorbing and learning... We'll see!!
The kids are doing great! Rachel is outgrowing everything!! She is getting taller each day and turning into quite the "big girl". She just recently celebrated her birthday, turning 5 years old!! Where has my baby girl gone?
Noah is doing well in school. He made a 100% on the TAKS reading test. He was very excited and we were very proud of him. Today was the Math portion. I am sure he did very well. He, too, is growing by leaps and bounds. It is hard to believe he is 9 years old, and will be in 4th grade next year!
We have two new additions tp our family! Thunder and Storm are two of the cutest little Malamute-Lab mix puppies!! We are enjoying them and eager to watch them grow. We took them for their first puppy check-up yesterday. At 7-8 weeks old they are already good sized dogs! Thunder weighs 11 lbs. 1oz. Storm wieghs in at 13lbs. 15oz. Here are acouple of pictures of our new babies. I hope you enjoy them!!
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