Confused yet?
...anyways, there was a challenge posed to "get real", to admit those things about life that fall so far short of perfect. The idea is to help encourage our friends and loved ones and brothers and sisters realize they are not alone. Sounds good, right? But it can be scary to admit those short comings, even those they "might" know about!! But it can be a bit liberating as well! So for the next few posts (at least) I am going to include a "Get Real" list. Why don't you get on board and join me!! As the original blog said, we can learn to be OK about it not all being OK.
So here goes my first list:
1. I love my children and my husband and my life, but sometimes I feel I have lost "my" identity - there are days I want to just be Jennifer, not "So-and-so's Mom" or Roscoe's Wife... fortunately those days are few and far between and usually very short lived!!
2. All too often I speak before I think and sometimes I end up hurting someone I care about without meaning to.
3. I tend to be very insecure about way too much... the list is too long to make, but trying to get over what other's might think is way too hard for me in so many areas of my life.
4. I have two definite addictions - chocolate and the computer!!
5. I hate staying at home all day. Even if it is just to run to Stripes to get a Dr. Pepper, I need to go SOMEWHERE!!!
OK - that is the list for today...
We have been very busy for the last week or so! We have had swim lessons and the kiddos are doing great!! Noah has finally conquered his fears and goes off the diving board and down the slide into the deep end without a second thought!! I am really proud of him!! Rachel on the other hand, has developed a new found fear of "drowning" and won't hardly jump in the pool. She will float all over and dog-paddle all over the pool. She just won't jump in... we have two more classes left- we will see what happens!
We had a great 4th of July!! We went to Derry's farm up in OK. The kids had a great time and we had a wonderful, private fireworks show. It was really nice to see family that I had not seen in a very long time and to become reaquainted!! Here are a few pictures of our fireworks.
I was really pleased with the way the pictures came out! I try each year to capture the magic of the 4th of July fireworks and feel this was my best effort yet!!
I did learn one BIG lesson on our trip: I am way too old to sleep on the ground, even inside a tent!! We WILL be purchasing an air mattress before our next camping trip! LOL!
Well, I am off to bed! Tomorrow will be a busy day: swim lessons, lunch with Roscoe, running errands, trip to the pool for the afternoon, meeting with a client to view a wedding venue, then hopefully some family time tomorrow evening. I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed end of the week!
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