Last week I read the most amazing book! (Thank you to my friend Judy for reccommending it!) I would encourage ALL of you to read this book. It is a fictional story, but I promise it will have a profound effect on you. It really made me realize how we try to view God through a box and tend to place so many limitations on Him, especially when we can not understand "why" things are taking place. This book has been an important factor in my renewed desire to truly know God more! Without giving away the plot, I still would like to share on of my favorite "Ah-ha moments" from reading this book: the main character in the book is having a conversation with Jesus and the dialog turns to how hard it is to be "like" Jesus. Jesus goes on to explain that being "like" Him is NOT what He desires of us - what He wants is to for us to let HIM live THROUGH us!! Wow!! Am I guilty there!! I have tried so hard in and of myself to do what I think Jesus would want - you know - WWJD... and so often I feel I am spinning my wheels and simply fall short... How much easier is it to step back and instead of trying to do it myself, allow Jesus to LIVE through me. To me that is such a liberating realization!! So.... go out and buy the book and read THE SHACK!! You won't regret it!!!
Alright, the advertisement is over!! LOL! We are having a laid back Saturday morning. the kids are watching cartoons and I am spending a bit of time on the 'puter. Roscoe has gone over to Al's to work for the day. He is anxious to "earn" this engine and get to work on his pickup. He had hoped to do a honey harvest this evening, but after checking the haves last night, he feels it will be a few more days!
Todays "Get Real" list:
1. I HATE alarm clocks!! I am an incurable night owl and, as such, am not a morning person! So, I admit that, unless I have an appointment or some other commitment, I do not normally get up in the mornings with my sweet hubby.
2. I tend to spend way more money on Rachel than Noah. Those cute little girl clothes and hair thingys and jewelry are just so fun!!! I have said for a long time that the Lord was so wise to only give me ONE girl - for so many reasons!!
3. I pout! Period.
4. I place place too high expectations on myself too often... then feel like a failure when I can not maintain them.
5. When I start a good book, I will do nothing else but read until it is finished...
Have a great weekend everyine!!
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