This picture is also representative of a common sight around our home. As summer begins to approach sunflowers will pop up all over the place. They are one of my favorite flowers. Somehow they always seem to remind me of God's wonderful creativity when He made this earth and all that is in it. Isn't our God good?

Today we are moving pretty slow around here. Last night was a late, long night. My mother-in-law, Ellen, has taken a decline. She is not eating or drinking right now. Hospice is doing all that they can to keep her comfortable. Roscoe was over there until very late (or rather very early this morning) trying to do what he could for both his mother and his sister. His sister has taken very good care of their mother, but is having a hard time accepting that she just is not really going to get better. If you would, please remember our family in prayer throughout the coming days/weeks.
I will spend much of the day getting ready to go back to work. I start my new job tomorrow. I am looking forward to it!! After our "trial run" in January I can be confident that the world will not come to an end because I am working again. Actually, I think it proved to be good for us in many ways. Today, however, it means there is a small mountain of laundry that must have some attention. Also, a few errands to run and some phone calls to make. I suppose that all means I must get up and get busy! I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day!
1 comment:
Please tell Roscoe that we are praying for his mom and for him and his sister!
Reading about living by the base brought back lots of memories and hearing those planes all the time. Good memories of our time there! Good luck on starting the new job tomorrow!
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