The kids are settling into their new classes. Noah has an awesome teacher this year and he really seems to be enjoying school. We recieved his progress report yesterday. As of right now, he has two 96s, a 99, and a 100. I am really proud of him!! He is reading up a storm and making steady progress in the AR program.
Rachel is learning and growing so quickly! I don't know what I am going to do with her... She is really trying to stretch her wings and testing the limits on a regular basis!! LOL! Right before school started she decided she wanted her hair cut short. I cut it one night and we all just love it. It helped make her hair look much thicker and healthier. It is also just a lot easier to take care of!
Life has been busy and hectic, but over all it has been good. Roscoe has started on changing the engine in his pickup. He is excited about that and has been working hard on getting it completed. We have also been busy at the church. We recently started a children's d.t. reograms called P.A.W.s (Princesses and Warriors) Seek and Learn. I am responsible for it. We are concentrating on teaching the kids that because they are Princesses and Warriors in Christ they must have a higher code and expecctation of behavior. We are also spending a great deal of time learning basic and age approriate Bible skills. We are working through a book, How to Study Your Bible for Kids. It is a great book. Noah is enjoying it very much. More importantly, he is learning alot about how to study the Bible. He is also hiding God's word in his heart. The memory verses are pretty meaty adn he is conqueroring them like a champ! In the last few weeks he has memorized 2Timothy 3:16-17, Titus 3:1, Luke 15:7, and 1John 3:10.
I have spent quite a bit of time lately working on the house! Tremendous gratitude and thank yous go to my friends Tiana and Sandi for all their help!! Today we cleared out what used to be the downstairs playroom. It will soon be transformed into my home studio!! I am SO excited! If you are thinking about having pictures done, please give me a call! The studio will be up and running very soon!
We are looking forward to a family get together here in a few weeks. Then it will be full fledged holiday season. I am starting to think about the holidays and making a few plans. We are doing a Christmas mini-musical at Church. I am sure there will be many activities that will fill our calender in the months to come!
It is getting late and tomorrow will be busy as usual. I am heading to bed. I will close with some updated pictures of my two most favorite subjects!!!
Here a few of the kids from a recent session:
Here are a couple of pictures of Rachel and Noah:
1 comment:
Yeah! I am so glad to finally see an update! Sounds like things are going good for you guys. The kids are getting so big! Congrats on your home studio. I can't wait until we get in a place that I can have one. Have fun setting it up!!
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