Rachel had a great year and learned so much! She made a lot of friends and really enjoyed the social side of being in school. Here are pictures of her on the first and last days of school:

Noah had a very successful year! Today at the 1st and 2nd grade awards assembly he recieved several recognitions - "A" honor roll for the entire year, "A" conduct for the entire year, and Reader Hall of Fame (he completed 3 grade levels- 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, and began Nonfiction tests) for our Accelerated Reader Program. I am very proud of him! He worked hard and made straight "A" for the entire year. Yay, Noah!!! Now to relax a bit before gearing up for third grade. Next year will bring a few challenges and changes - our third graders begin changing classes as well as take their first TAKS test.
Here are Noah's pictures from the first and last days of second grade:

I think tonight we are going to celebrate the end of a great year - maybe dinner at our favorite place and then a $2 movie (Horton hears a Who). I hope you all have a great evening. Watch for snippets of a busy active summer from the Dunn family!
1 comment:
Congrats on a great year for both of them! Our Noah made straight A's all year also and is reading on an almost 5th grade level! Must be something in the name :-)! lol
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