The card says, "Sometimes you've got to kiss a lot of frogs... ...before you find your prince!"
My little man:

Wow! Whare has the time gone. It seem like just yesterday we were ringing in the new year. It is hard to believe we are already a month into 2008! Before we know it we will be welcoming in 2009.
Life has been as crazy and busy as ever. We have already been to 3 birthday parties in as many weeks. Noah is already starting to make plans for his and Rachel asks everyday when her birthday is.
Both Rachel and Noah have enjoyed being back in school and both are doinig exceptionally well. Rachel is working on visually recognizing many letters and her speech is improving daily. Noah made straight As on his recent report card. As a matter of fact, his lowest grade this go-round was a 96! We were very pleased and are very proud of him. He is reading well into the 4th grade level and is a walking encyclopedia on many subjects.
I have spent most of the month concentrating on my photography business - regrouping and refreshing many things. It has kept me very busy. I have also been working on improving my skill. Unfortunately, Rachel and Noah are my most common victims, ummm, I mean subjects. Above are some our most recent images. I hope you enjoy them. If you would like, please leave a comment and tell what you think!!
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