Friday, May 30, 2008

School's's out...

We did it!! We made through our first year with both of my kiddos in school!! Rachel graduated from the HeadStart Center last Friday and Noah finished up 2nd grade today! It is hard to realize that Noah will be in 3rd grade and Rachel will be in Pre-K next year. Why do they grow up so fast?! It just seems like yesterday we were picking out baby names and thinking about starting our family.

Rachel had a great year and learned so much! She made a lot of friends and really enjoyed the social side of being in school. Here are pictures of her on the first and last days of school:

Noah had a very successful year! Today at the 1st and 2nd grade awards assembly he recieved several recognitions - "A" honor roll for the entire year, "A" conduct for the entire year, and Reader Hall of Fame (he completed 3 grade levels- 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, and began Nonfiction tests) for our Accelerated Reader Program. I am very proud of him! He worked hard and made straight "A" for the entire year. Yay, Noah!!! Now to relax a bit before gearing up for third grade. Next year will bring a few challenges and changes - our third graders begin changing classes as well as take their first TAKS test.
Here are Noah's pictures from the first and last days of second grade:

I think tonight we are going to celebrate the end of a great year - maybe dinner at our favorite place and then a $2 movie (Horton hears a Who). I hope you all have a great evening. Watch for snippets of a busy active summer from the Dunn family!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Congrats on a great year for both of them! Our Noah made straight A's all year also and is reading on an almost 5th grade level! Must be something in the name :-)! lol

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