WoW!! Can you believe it? Christmas is in 22 days and 2009 begins in less than a month. I just don't quite know where the time has gone. Lots has happened since I last updated the blog. Rachel no longer attends HeadStart. We have put her in Speech through the early education program. She goes up to Noah's school twice a week and works with Ms. C. In the last few weeks since we changed, we can already see a lot of improvement and we are very pleased with her progress. Rachel is missing being with other kids her age, so I think after the holidays we are going to put her in a Mother's Day Out one or two days a week.
Noah is doing great! He got new glasses a few weeks ago. His eyes had gotten considerably worse over the last year. They had to put a prism in his right lens. He is doing much better about keeping up with them and wearing them like he is suppose to. He is now in the Gifted/Talented Program at school and is doing really well. He seems to enjoy the extra challenge. Right now they are working on reports about wild animals. I thnk his choice of animal was the lion. So I am sure we will all be laerning everything there is to know about lions soon!!
Roscoe is still working to get the engine change in his pickup complete. Hopefully it will be done soon!! I am ready to have my husband home on Saturdays for a change. He is getting excited about finishing it up!! My husband's favorite toys are his vehicles!! :0)
We had a nice Thanksgiving. It was a fairly quiet day. There is so much to be thankful and grateful for!! We also ate lots of turkey and dressing and pumpkin pie!!YUM!!
We are now gearing up for the holidays!! We bought our tree Sunday evening. It is not decorated yet... That will probably happen this evening. The whole downstairs smells so good!! That is the best part of a "REAL" tree!! I am also going to try to get new Christmas pics of the kids today or tomorrow. I will post those as soon as I have them ready!!
I hope all are well!! I will try to do better about updating the blog! Pics will be posted soon!!
Have a great holiday season!! Have fun, and remember the Reason for the Season!!