It's summertime, and while life has been a bit more relaxed, it has still been busy. We have spent days at the pool, gone to the library, attended a family reunion and just had a lot of fun in general. Noah is enjoying the reading program and activities at the library. He has already turned in his first log for 5 hours of reading time and has already logged an hour on his second log sheet. Rachel is enjoying her dance class and thinks she is quite the ballerina princess.
Here is one of my favorite shots from the Reynolds family Reunion this past weekend. Rachel definitely has her own unique way of eating watermelon!!

We really enjoyed the reunion. Roscoe had a good time exploring the farm and found a real treasure in his eyes. Here are some pictures of an old car the used to belong to my cousin Butch:

I thought they turned out pretty neat! Roscoe actually liked these in black and white. We may be going back up to the farm for the 4th of July, so hopefully I will get some more fun pics. There are all sorts of neat old things to photograph up there!
Have a great rest of the week! I will try to post again before the week is over!