Life just seems to fly by lately. Between school and church and scouts and family get-togethers and garden planting and... well, you get the idea!! We seem to have "stuff" going all the time. I really try to enjoy it as I know these early years will be gone all too soon. There are times, though, that it can all be a bit overwhelming! but we are hanging in!
It is hard to believe the school year is nearly over. Today Rachel came home with information about "graduation" - oh my!!! Next year she will be at Huey for the Head Start Pre-K. I was really hoping she could go to Haynes next year, but that did not work out. One more year, and then my kiddos will be in the same school! She already knows the name of her new school and is looking forward to making new friends.
Noah has been working hard on his Pine Car for Cub Scouts. Our Derby is on May 10th. I will be sure to take and post pictures!! He is really excited about it!!
We had a really busy weekend! Saturday we had Samantha, Sara, and Matthew here all day. It was a beautiful day so they played outside most of the day! Roscoe finished tilling the garden, and Saturday evening we planted some tomatoes, broccoli, banana peppers, bell peppers, pumpkins, and watermelons. We already had onions, garlic, and brussel sprouts growing. We need to get our squash, zucchini, and cucumbers in. Rachel and Noah's favorite things to "plant" the other night were WORMS!! They had more fun putting some red worms in the garden....
Sunday was busy!! After a.m. church we went for Grandpa's 74th birthday party. Rachel and Noah enjoyed playing with their cousins! Then we headed back to church to see ELVIS!! We had an Elvis impersonator and his band come do a concert of Elvis Gospel music. It was alot of fun! We had a full house and everyone seemed to enjoy the show!
This week is shaping up to be as busy as any!! Tonight is Cub Scouts, tomorrow I take my dear MIL to the doctor in Arlington, Wednesday night is church, Thursday night is a fiesta for Rachel's school, Friday is Friday, Saturday we are going to Ft. Worth to get some bees out of our pastor's MIL's house, and then Sunday is church. Then it all starts over again!! But that is our life! (See why I say "crazy busy"!)
Finally, I just wanted to share some thoughts that I have been pondering. In Sunday School we are studying I & II Kings. We have been talking about Solomon the last few weeks. Of course, we have studied about how he requested wisdom and God granted it and so much more. Yesterday, though we discussed some of Solomon's not-so-wise decisions. We talked about how he did not destroy the high places and how paganism ran rampant - even in Solomon's own house. Of course, God then told Solomon how after his death God would take the kingship away from Solomon's son. Then we we looked at the choices Reheboam made, you can see the lasting repercussions of Solomon's actions (or lack there of). When the people asked Reheboam to be a "servant-king", he wisely asked for time to make his decision, but then look at the counsel he sought!! He spoke to the elders, and then to the young men, but he NEVER sought the Lord's counsel!! Then, he foolishly chose to listen to the counsel of the younger men. Now, here are my thoughts on that:
1. If Solomon would have provided his children with clear examples of serving and worshiping the one true and living God, then maybe Reheboam would have at least considered requesting the Lord's counsel when faced with a major decision.
2. If he had grown up being taught about the love and faithfulness of God, he would not considered being an oppressive, cruel king instead of a loving servant-king.
Now, that challenges me as a parent! I need to be sure that my children view our faith clearly. They need to know decisively what we believe and why. I do not want our beliefs to become all mixed up with non-Christian, ungodly beliefs just for the sake of "tolerence". That way they (hopefully) will know what direction to turn when faced with tough life decisions.
OK- I am done for now! But I just wanted to share with you a few of the thoughts that were laid on my heart while looking at the life of the wisest man that ever lived. There is no doubt that God granted him great wisdom, but in his humaness, Solomon still made mistakes! I don't know about you - but boy, can I relate!!
Hope you have a great week and I pray God will reveal His bleesing for you each and every day!!